6 Figure SW | The Rose Report - Monthly Insider Report & Guidance From An Elite Model & SW

3 ratings

Dear Model, SW,

What if I told you…

Making 6, 7, and even 8 figures entirely off SW is within reach?

But it takes a ‘secret sauce’ that not all of us have access to.

We're all painfully aware of what OnlyFans has done in the past.

Their flip-flopping on decisions due to processors…

Their touchy acknowledgement of their largest creator-base…

And pair that with the obstacles providers face every day...

With slobbyists flying left and right to harm our work...

Whether we're in physical SW or purely digital content...

Or both...

We're paying our bills, or building our wealth with an ominous cloud of doom above...

And we’re exhausted.


The reality if the situation is…

Nobody knows what will happen.

Jobs in engineering or healthcare will be about the same in 5 years.

However, with SW…

We’re tiptoeing around everything.

Constantly on our guard.

And if you're not where you want to be...

Whether that be from $0 to $1k...

$1k to $10k...

Or $10k to $100k+...

All the info you need to build the wealth you want...

Already exists.

You just may not know where…

Because without access to ones who hold that info...

It's fairly difficult to attain.


Two reasons.

1. Elites of any industry are too busy to care and...

2. Some view you as competition.

I wish I was kidding.

I've wanted to tweet valuable insider info publicly many times...

But I've been warned, even threatened (sadly) just for considering it.

And I hate this.

It’s unfair.


And in the midst of all this chaos…

When the world is in turmoil around us...

And you’re trying to keep your head above water…

Or you’re attempting to transition from comfort to true wealth…

You’re wondering...

What’s holding me back?

You’ve seen the viral tweets of girls buying property with the money they made on OnlyFans.

You’ve seen the companions flexing their international trips...

Their designer clothing...

Their extravagant dinners...

And overflowing investments.

And you wonder...

Why can’t I hit that next level...

Of $2k days...

$50k months...

Or even just my first $500?

You’re not alone in feeling like this.

And truthfully, resistance and obstacles are unavoidable at any level.

We all run into them daily. 

Uncertainty of where you start, of where you go next, of if it’s even possible.

Fear, doubt of messing up, of the risk in our work.

But what if I told you…

There’s a key to unlock a whole new world of personal growth and income?

Whether it’s skyrocketing your cashouts on OnlyFans…

Or working less, while making more, with phenomenal, generous clients…

There’s something very specific you need.

You don’t need more expensive 'promos'.

You don’t need a parasitic marketing agency.

What you need is guidance and personal growth.

SW is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

It's a business model, it's work, it's a skill you develop and grow alongside.

And what I’ve realized in my success over the past few years...

Is that you have to grow in all aspects.

Your mind, your marketing, your finances, your security, your well-being.

Above all...

You need guidance.

And not just any guidance…

You need guidance from someone who's not only done it themselves…

But helped others do the same.

Ah, but the problem is…

That's hard to get.

Most of the elite of any industry are (understandably) too busy.

And it can be excruciatingly hard to network, get advice, or simply learn.

Taking years to cultivate that network and build rapport...

While avoiding those charging $1000's for coaching...

Not just in SW, but in various fields of knowledge.

And for those of you without easy access to large cities...

Or pre-existing connections in the industry...

Or simply lacking the energy to socialize and network...


That's exactly why I started this, because...

Now is your chance to shortcut that.

I’ve received countless messages from newbies, advanced models, and masters of craft about marketing, psychology, wealth, health, mindset, 1-on-1 coaching, and more.

And so I brainstormed...

How do I teach at scale, without sacrificing quality?

And then it hit me.

Today, you're in luck.

My name is Rose and I have over 7 years of experience in the fashion modelling and SW industries in NYC, LA, and Miami.

I've spent the bulk of those past 7 years as a professional fashion model, high-level SWer, and hitting the Top 0.1% of OnlyFans.

And during that time...

I worked day and night to position myself in elite circles.

Fashion executives, deca-millionaire marketing pros, finance overlords, adult media & entertainment private chats, and unfathomably wealthy clients.

And naturally...

Many asked me to share the insights I come across.

Because there's a lot.

And I thought long and hard about it.

After all…

This is my ‘secret sauce’.

With it all, you could just copy-paste my knowledge into your own life.

And then I immediately thought...

Why the hell wouldn’t I share it all?

So today, I grant you all that wish.

And that’s exactly where this new report comes in.

There is not a single newsletter, report, or email list on Earth that rivals what I’m releasing.

Within 6 Figure SW, AKA The Rose Room…

You get direct, insider access to:

Profitable strategies & blueprints to take your SW income to 6, 7, and 8 figures

Up-to-date tricks to out-wit the algorithms and explode on any social platform

✅ Deep dives into pro-level marketing I've been taught from advertising titans (used to generate $500M in sales)

✅ Proven tactics for service providers to not only increase your clientele value, but attract higher quality

Psychology principles that (legally) get your subs addicted to your content like drugs

✅ New methods of increasing your sub count, rebill, and PPV on OF, Fansly, and more

Mindset tips used by top Hollywood performers keep you on the Red Carpet, not the backroom

Elite health & beauty tips from the upper echelon of society on how they keep youthful & energetic under intense stress (not google-able info)

✅ Building your own digital assets, sites, and using crypto payments, whether that be for FSSW or digital content

In-depth stories of my own experiences with meta-lessons to apply to your career (I usually only tell my gfs these)

✅ How to 1.5x your money each year without any extra effort using decentralized finance (not even Wall Street knows this yet)

✅ Sensitive cybersecurity measures I’ve learned from secret-service-tier operational security teams & pro hackers (that could literally save your life)

Safety procedures, screening processes, and VA operations I use in my own day-to-day work

✅ The secret to shooting emotionally seductive content the right way, without paying for pros (direct from photography seminars)

✅ Where I'm investing, where I see the market is headed, and other money-related info from my powerful finance friends

✅ A variety of topics direct from my connections to your inbox

✅ And much more coming…

This isn’t just “another newsletter”

And is not just non-stop adult content tips.

(Although will include those as well)

If you're struggling with that, I have 8 whole 27+ page guides.

Proven over and over to work.

(Over 50,000 words and 200 pages of tips, tricks, and wisdom.)

This private channel will be for profitable adult content strategies, physical SW tips, finance, psychology and mindset, health and beauty, everything above...

And oodles of juicy info I learn in my circles.

I'm essentially dumping every ounce of knowledge I have and will acquire into this...

And my true goal is to teach you every single thing I know.

With the single aim of making you truly comfortable in life.


That is a big claim.


I’ll be honest.

What I’m teaching inside this monthly report...

Is literally info people have paid $10k+ for access to.

Results of deep conversations with marketers making $10m+ yearly.

Teachings from private in-person masterminds with top earning SWers.

Advice from entrepreneurs with 5+ companies under their belt.

Sessions with adult models making 7, 8 figures off their empire.

And you get all of it…

For the price of a few Venti Frappuccinos from Starbucks, each month.


For less than 69-cents/day…

You get access to a true treasure-trove of valuable info...

Steadily growing as time goes on.

Think about it. 

Within a month we secure you just five subs at $5/month. One $25 PPV. One quality booking.

Easily made back the investment...

And much more.

I don't exaggerate when I say...

One single tip I send out, if implemented...

Could end up returning 1000's, if not 10,000's of dollars directly into your pocket.

And 100,000's over the course of time.

(Really? Yep. Scroll down.)

So if that sounds like an insane amount of value…

Hit that “Subscribe” button…

And I’ll see you inside.

Now, before I head out, who is this report NOT for?

✖️ Models, SPs who are NOT dedicated to learning elite info

✖️ Models, SPs who aren’t sure if they'll apply what they learn inside

✖️ Models, SPs who aren’t dedicated to putting the work into building their wealth

✖️ SWers who want all the ‘dough’ but none of the work that goes into it

✖️ Anyone who is NOT interested in the adult industry or SW

But who IS this report for?

✔️ SWers of all types working hard on their brand and clientele

✔️ Adult industry creators wanting to double, triple their revenue

✔️ Service providers wondering how to increase client quality and where to multiply the income from them

✔️ Models on OnlyFans, Fansly, PocketStars and more wanting to skyrocket their sub counts & automate their business
✔️ Newbie or aspiring SWers who need guidance direct from the mind of a master, to their inbox, every month

✔️ Intermediate & advanced SWers who do steady numbers… but aren't sure how to solidify true wealth

✔️ Busy SWers with other obligations, no access to high level group chats, and limited time to learn the nuances of marketing and psychology

✔️ Anyone interested in the coveted information released

If any of those sounds like you…

Then times a-ticking...

Because I won’t keep the report at this price forever.

I only want this information in the hands of a select few elite SWers (you)…

And models, SWers who tell me things like this:

And way, way more.

Now, here's the thing:

My goal isn’t just to support you as a SWer or model…

Because let's face the facts.

I know you want to pay off debt.

I know you want to put money into investments, purchase land.

I know you want retire early and never think about money again.

I know you want a life of leisure...

Where you can have a few shoots per year that return $100,000's, fully automated...

Or just 2-3 high paying, low-effort FMTY each month...

But the honest truth is...

It's hard to hit 7, 8 figures purely off SW.

Sure, you can do good numbers.

Make high 5-figs monthly.

But to hit higher?

Long term?

To retire yourself, your kids, your parents?

To spoil anyone you want and have true freedom?

You need clever tactics to increase profit and income.

You need tight security to avoid hacks and exploits.

You need avoid constantly burning out.

You need to secure investments and assets.

You need digital assets to make cash while you sleep.

You need an eye for catching opportunities that double, triple your net worth in short periods of time.

But it’s hard to keep on top of all this.

And that's really my goal.

To overdeliver, and...

To support you as a person.

So whether SW, or adult content is a stepping stone to your next venture, or dream career…

Or if it’s your long-term goal to dominate your niche and create 6, 7, 8 (yep) figs from it…

I’ll get you there.

Because you could go out, and google all sorts of info…

On any random topic…

But without it being written specifically by a SW, for SWers…

By someone who knows the ins and outs of our industry…

The truth is...

You’ll get heaps of bad info, filled with assumptions, stigmatization, written by people who don’t understand us at all.

But I do.

Because I live it.

And to be fully transparent…

Things will only get rockier in the industry.

More crackdowns will come.

More attacks from every side.

But there will be solutions.

And without guidance, it can feel like walking around in a dark cave, with no flashlight, attempting to find them.

And these reports are that flashlight for you.

Showing you exactly which path to take to reach the surface.

New avenues to explore.

New ways of adapting.

Because when you learn the principles direct from the source…

You can truly create wealth anywhere.

And you'll be getting all those principles handed to you on a silver platter.

Guidance is the key to success


We saw how the OnlyFans fiasco played out.

What you don’t want to be...

Is stuck in the position yet again where you cannot adapt.

Where the rug is pulled out from underneath you.

Where you’re freaking out, scrambling because you got lucky with one platform, but don’t know why.

Or you landed on a consistent source of subs, but can’t replicate it.

Or you’ve banked with clients, but aren't sure how to truly secure your financial future.


You have to stay on top of things.

You have to consistently be learning.

That's the only way you can have immense confidence in yourself to create income and wealth wherever you go.

But I get it.

Between creating content, managing your platforms, booking clients...

It can be hard to learn it all.

Where do you start?

Where do you find trusted info?

Where do you find up-to-date tricks?

And that’s why I’m here.

I’m here to be your monthly marketing, psychology, content, social media, and security advisor.

Because few of us have the excess cash to hire masters of craft to teach privately.

Or spent years networking in elite chats & circles.

Well, you don't have to.

When you’re in the Rose Room...

You fundamentally shortcut that entire process.

It doesn’t matter if they boot us off OnlyFans...

Off the next platform...

It doesn’t even matter if (God forbid) they boot us off Twitter.

Because in any event...

I will outline next steps in my report.

Whether that's decentralized payments, audience retention, or new advertising methods.

This is a career investment…

And your personal ‘insurance’, or ‘hedge’ against the future.

(Which you can see in those testimonials above).

And it effectively costs $0 when we make you back that $19 each month.

My personal guarantee.

Now, I know committing $19 monthly is a lot to some of you...

(But for some of you, it’s 1/5th of daily gas money, or 1/2 a brunch)

That’s why each month there's knowledge you can immediately implement to make back that investment.

Whether it's elite marketing trick…

A little-known finance tip…

A new opportunity to test out…

Not only will we make you that $19...

But the knowledge learnt will help you 10x, 100x it every month.

And if that still doesn’t convince you…

For a limited time, I’m including something I’ve NEVER done before.

A little while ago, I posted some success I had with crypto...

Like making multiple 5 figures off a coin named $ROSE (very on-brand of me)...

And turning $1000 of NFTs into $40,000+ (yes, it's nuts - I explain inside).

Just a small portion of my (consistently successful) trades in the past months.

And naturally, models asked me how to do this.

Now, the truth is...

You have to follow the money in this world.

And the money, for the moment, is in crypto.

So no matter what your opinion is on it...

It's the best chance you have in the next few months (and years) of wealth creation....

If you're careful and level-headed.

So I decided, why not throw that into the mix?


For the first [Hidden] number of you who subscribe...

You get direct access to my Telegram channel The Rose Room...

Where I post weekly, even daily crypto-related updates and other short-term money moves.

And let's be real.

Just like any speculative bubble...

95% of everything will create insane profits, then to zero.

The other 5% will make people rich.

Exactly like the 'Dotcom boom'.

The trick is taking profits on the 95%...

And holding the 5% long term.

Short term...

I know many SWers who easily made 5-6 figs in crypto.

But, a major word of caution...

And I want to be abundantly clear on this.

This is not a 'get rich quick off crypto' scheme.

This is **educational.**

Not a 'crypto trading channel'.

I will not be encouraging you to gamble on high-risk coins. 

Because of the sheer amount of shadiness in the crypto space...

I need to make this ultra, super clear.

I’m not shilling coins here.

(But if you do actively trade... I include the moves I make too)

It's a channel for sound advice on navigating what could be the life-changing money...

Using wisdom I've learned from multi-millionaire crypto clients.

Simply showing how they move in the space…

Teaching you the methodology I've learned from masters...

And how you can emulate it.

I remember feeling lost, like everyone was cashing in but me.

I've been asked about it 200 times by models stuck, confused on Web 3.0 and crypto.

And I don't want you to feel that way.

But again...

Keep in mind, crypto is insanely volatile.

People lose as much as they make.

And in the inevitable 'bear market' (where prices just go down, down, down)?

That's when you need to be quietly analyzing trends.

Investing in projects.

So that when it all explodes once again...

You're taking home immense amounts of profit.


That takes patience, knowledge, and guidance.

And because this is an extra time investment on my end…

It’s only for the first few of yall.


I won't tell you how many spots are left.

At some point soon...

It'll simply just close off.

So as long as this section is included…

There’s at least 1 more spot left there.

And to top it all off…

To make sure every member of the Rose Room is truly taken care of...

I’m including every single guide I write in the future.


Anything I write from this point on, will be sent direct to members (you) of the Rose report...

And only for you, not the public.

I’ve already written 50,000+ words, and 200+ pages.

Easily 1000's of dollars worth of info.

(Multiple of my students have already made $100k net profit off my $47 guides)

So any time I decide to release a new one…

You get all that value...

On top of what I've outlined above.

Now, in an effort to keep this elite info between us…

And to guard against info-pirates and content-thieves who hop in and out to swipe my info… 

I cannot re-issue published reports.

This means if you decide to wait 1, 2, 3 months…

That’s thousands of dollars of guidance you’ve missed.


I want this to be accessible to everyone...

But I also have to take precautions.

And if you’re flip-flopping on $19 knowing the wisdom in one single report can net you 4, 5 figures…

I’m not sure what to say.

You’ve got all the info you need.

Now it’s just up to you.

One more stern warning…

The price you get today is yours for life.

Locked in.

Price will increase for new members in the coming weeks and months as resources are added.

And within a month, that $19.97 monthly investment will quietly bump up to $25, $30, $35+.

I've been told it's criminally underpriced right now.

And this is a long term project and will evolve over time.

Eventually into an ecosystem of pure value for adult creators and service providers.

Get in at ground zero (now), and your current price stays forever.



So if that all sounds profitable…

Click that ‘Subscribe’ button…

And I'll see you inside.


Why is it $19?

The first reason is my time is intensely in-demand. 

I charge thousands hourly to work clients. 

Obviously I wouldn’t even think of charging that to any SW.

(Unlike some 'coaches' out there...)

But it’s also not feasible for me to write nonstop for free (time, is money).

The second reason is there's info I publish within my reports that I do not want in the hands of the public. 

Especially men who hate SWers. 

I want this to remain between you and me. 

The price helps keep it locked in, for your eyes only, because we know that hateful people won’t be willing to invest in it.

That’s kind of expensive…

Let’s break that cost down. 

$19 a month is less than 69 cents per day.

Do you make 69 cents a day?

If not, this report is not for you.

I do not want you spending hard-earned grocery or rent money on it.

Focus on that first.

Now, if you do easily make 69 cents a day...

Like I mentioned above...

I always include info you'll use to make back the cost.

And like I've mentioned...

What I’ve taught others has literally made them 6 figures. 

(eg, the testimonials above.)


Let’s reframe it.

The opportunity cost to not investing in the report?

Only you can answer that.

How do I know it’ll work for me specifically?

Whether you’re an adult industry model...

An independent creator...

Service provider...

Or anyone in between...

There will be profitable info in there just for you.

No matter who you are, what you look like, where you come from.

Any niche, any personality, any environment, any location.

Marketing principles, finance, cybersecurity, content, health and all the other topics...

Apply to anyone.

For beginners... you need to know how to level up.

And for masters... focusing on every aspect of personal growth is how your income grows with you.

You have to continuously level up.

And the common theme I've noticed among all top earning SWers…

Is they understand the principles that underly not only their career...

But life as a whole.

Will you add content?

I have lots planned. 

Not only will there be the weekly Telegram posts...

But I have new guides planned…

Resources to be added…

And tons more.

All that sound good?


Now, enough dilly-dallying.

This won’t be around forever.

Hit that ‘Subscribe’ button…

And secure your spot to receive thousands of dollars worth of elite, private SW guidance each and every month.

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6 Figure SW | The Rose Report - Monthly Insider Report & Guidance From An Elite Model & SW

3 ratings